Thursday, March 13, , 2025, Forensic Psychologist & True Crime author Frank F. Weber will be on LA Talk Radio as a guest on Rendezvous with a Writer at 8:00 p.m. Hosts Bobbie Jean Bell and Jim Bell will be speaking to Frank on his books Scandal of Vandals, and his 2025 release, The Sun. Scandal of Vandals is based on a Minnesota mystery that was once touted as “the crime of the century.” A prominent Twin Cities attorney was accused of hiring a hitman to kill his wife. Frank will share information related to the case. In The Sun, Taytum’s passion for her narcissistic lover plunges her into a merciless spiral of danger from which there may be no return. There are heartwarming and humorous moments, before investigators Jon and Serena Frederick are drawn into the case and must face the choice of violence or death. The Sun is a relentless, fast-paced thriller with a heart-pounding ending. Frank will share information related to the true crime case. To access this radio show click: For the Live Stream
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